The phenomenon of a pop vocal ensemble in contemporary cultural space


  • Tetiana Lanina senior lecturer of the Department of the Academic and variety singing, the Institute of Arts, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



pop vocal ensemble, cultural space, ensemble performance


Purpose of Research. The research is related to the studying of the vocal pop forms, in­cluding the consideration of the phenomenon of a pop vocal ensemble in contemporary cultural space. This work is dedicated to variety shows and their art specific characteristics in context of vocal and ensemble performance and ways of their professionalization under modern conditions. Methodology. The methodological approach allows to reveal and to analyse artistic phenomenon as a part of the cultural process. The author uses the cultural method in the research. This ap­proach allows us to consider all parts of it and their relationship. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is an attempt to consider a pop vocal ensemble as a phenomenon of modern cul­ture that has a huge social and psychological potential. The sources of Variety Show Art are stud­ied. The theoretical problems of the pop vocal ensemble are researched. The character determination and the specific characteristics of the variety show are analysed. The sources of their origin and spreading of vocal ensemble and the variety show performance are researched its origin and genre structures and performance peculiarities are considered. Conclusions. The pop vocal ensemble presents a reflection of contemporary realities, images and preferences. The comprehen­sive study of the phenomenon of the ensemble suggests that this systemic multidimensional phe­nomenon becomes subject of the cultural space and facilitates communication processes in society. The author also determines that the pop-vocal ensemble appears as a reflection in the field of art of modern life and a typical individual of epoch.


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