«SMM»: social media marketing as a powerful tool to promote music content on the Internet


  • Nikita Bogdanov postgraduate of National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




Internet, social media marketing, SMM, PR, media, music, artist, modern music industry, culture, information, IT, information technology


Purpose of Research. The purpose of this article is to study the essence of the concept of SMM («Social Media Marketing»), as the leading tool in the process of promoting music products on social networks. Methodology. The research methodology is the use of formal and comparative analysis of the methods for the study of SMM as a tool to promote music products on social net­works. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty is to identify the key principles and fundamental problems of online marketing. Analysing the current research and specialized sources, the author reveals the essence of the concept of SMM as an object of interdisciplinary study. Its problems are identified and the prospects of development of the industry in the near future are outlined. Conclu­sions. The analysis of modern scientific research and specialized sources shows that the musical social network - a type of diversification of social networks where potential users unite around a musical product. In this music social network the opinion of a certain audience of music production is the most important. It is shaping the future of the popularity of the artist. Such professional managerial approach of SMM-promotion allows you to make a commercial creative music project.


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