The criteria of forming of fashion trends and project images of mass consumption in fashion industry


  • Natalia Chouprina PhD in Technical Sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Fashion Design, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine



society of consumption, mass fashion, fashion industry, fashion image, haute couture, fashion trends


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is to define the description of factors and criteria offorming offashion tendencies and project images in fashion industry, based on assimila­tion of different forms of official and street fashion, provided to the development and transformation of the social and cultural standards in the society of mass consumption. Methodology. The basis of the research methodology is formed by the method of design of the systems, which determines effi­ciency of application of system approach to the process of planning of costumes. The principles of the system approach are highlighted in the classification of typical and projective facilities ofform- ing the assortment and planning of modern clothes of mass consumption in fashion industry. Scien­tific Novelty. In the article, the author proves that in 1970th the forming of fashion trends was under the influence of the widespread teenagers ’ subcultures and the street fashion as the reflec­tions of necessities of a mass consumer. It is defined that the fashion tendencies, created by design­ers and couturier, did not have the character of dogmas. They functioned as recommendations, absorbing necessities, interests and desires of clients. It is also grounded, that at the same time there was the active development of national and regional markets offashion clothes, designers and designer brands. The local cultural tendencies and consumers ’ wishes and tastes were represented properly. Conclusions. Thus, the 1970s gave a powerful impetus to the development of fashion in­dustry. A new aesthetics in society, propagandized by the mass production of fashionable clothes for the public, formed under the influence of the democratization of «haute couture» fashion and active youth movements of the socio-cultural nature (including various subcultures of different sense). The fashion pret-a-porter clothes, offered by all leading fashion houses and designer brands, was represented by the models for a wide range of daily use and was oriented to the clients with an active lifestyle and social position. Anyway, in 1970th fashion industry went outside France as a unique fashion legislator. The active formation and development of industry, particularly tex­tile and sewing, that had replaced the world economic crisis, promoted the creation of new brands and trademarks in Italy, the USA and France. Those brands and trademarks determined the pro­gressive trends of silhouette, assortment, colour and other descriptions of fashion clothes of mass demand in modern fashion industry. Thus, the unique fashion does not exist anymore. It is divided into separate directions, styles, related to the necessities of different groups of consumers and pos­sibilities of separate spheres of activity of textile and sewing industry.


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