The special theatre as an effective instrument of artist and art-therapeutic influence


  • Olga Shlemko PhD in Arts, Honoured Artist of Ukraine, associate professor, associate professor of the Variety and Mass Festivities chair. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



special theatre, inclusion theatre, integrated theatre, actor, director, dramatherapy, psychodrama


Purpose of Research. The purposes of the research are to find out the peculiarities of the special theatre and to analyse its structure, nature and its role in the process of the social and cul­tural rehabilitation of the participants of the theatre. Methodology. The author uses the interdisci­plinary approach, which includes theatrical studies, cultural studies, philosophy, history, psychology, pedagogics etc. The systematic approach allowed the author to analyse different ele­ments of the special theatre system and their links. The author uses the social and cultural ap­proach to reconstruct the total picture of the functioning of various kinds of theatres for people with limited possibilities in the social and cultural processes. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article is the analysis of the nature and structure of the special theatre as the general title of dif­ferent collectives of people with psychic-physical problems. The special features of a theatre of blind people, a theatre of deaf people, a theatre of unsophisticated people, integrated theatre and inclusion theatre are highlighted. The categorical and concept apparatus is detailed and consid­ered. The special theatre’s effective influence on the social and cultural rehabilitation of its partici­pants is proved. The author shows the upbringing of the tolerant attitude to the people with development problems. Conclusions. The development of the theatre system for the people with health problems needs state support, creating of the favourable environment and professional train­ing of the directors, who have to unite in their activities such roles as a good psychologist, teacher and master.


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