Art of stage speech as the basis of the professional training of the masters of theatre and cinema


  • Tetiana Nechaenko associate professor of the Department of TV journalism, Narrators and Announcers of Television Programs, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Olha Vinar assistant of the Department of Directing and Actor’s Art, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



verbal performance, stage speech, theatre, cinema, art reading, speech technol­ogy, performing arts, normative speech


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is to identify the basic conceptual tasks for students of art schools in their independent work on improving their linguistic culture, on mastering the elements of performing arts, and the compliance literary pronunciation, on studying the rules of performing and pronouncing and the orthoepy of normative language in communicating to the sub­conscious and automatism. Such work allows the artist to think about the tracing and reporting the author's thoughts, not only the pronunciation. Methodology. The research methodology includes analytical, functional, comparative, art, cultural, systematic, axiomatic research methods. They give an opportunity to study the role of art of expression in the development of general individual students’ abilities and forming the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for creative work in theatres and films. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is the theoretical basis and systematization of the main tasks of the stage language in the natural action of a word in thea­tre and screen arts. Conclusions. The author makes the following conclusions. Firstly, the modern stage speech is the result of years of the development of the speech in Ukrainian theatre and cinema as a special kind of language. In the art of theatre and cinema, the language of dramas, perform­ances, public performances and shows is embodied in actor's speech, which is a conscious desire to create a single nationwide, commonly literary language. The stage word is a professional actor in­dicator that determines the level of culture stage arts in general. Secondly, we cannot produce im­peccable literary pronunciation without daily and intense attention to our own speech, because it requires hard work. Finally, the revival of Ukrainian national culture is unthinkable without pro­found changes in language training of future artists and changes in the orientation in training stu­dents of culture and arts institutes.


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