The retrospective analysis of the development of the system of dance recording


  • Svetlana Shalapa PhD-candidate, master of sports, associate professor of the Department of Choreography, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



retrospective analysis, dance recording systems, choreographic terminology, dance art, interaction


Purpose of Research. The purpose of article is a retrospective analysis of the formation of the system of recording dance. Methodology. The methodology of the research consists of retro­spective, theoretical-research and system-structural methods. This methodological approach allows us to trace and analyse the formation of the system of recording dance by musical (notes), icono- graphic, literary sources. Scientific Novelty. On the basis of a retrospective analysis, it was deter­mined that the mutual influence of interspecific stylistic features of choreography determined the emergence of the dance gesture system at the beginning of the 20 th century, which is universal for the analysis and description of all plastic-dynamic characteristics, regardless of national, style and genre categories of movement. Conclusions. It is determined that the formation of the dance re­cording system took place in the context of the historical development of the types of choreographic art: classical, ball, folk and modern (modern) dances. The formation of choreographic art is inex­tricably linked with the attempt of mankind to fix the dance movement, which is confirmed by musi­cal, iconographic, literary sources. The first scientific study describing the dances was recorded in 1300. The teaching manual on teaching dance and dance movements is dated 1589 year. The entry of ballet terms and canons was introduced by the French Academy of Dance in 1661. XVII century, in the beginning the graphic system of motion recording was developed, and in the middle there are reformative concepts about the necessity of interrelation and interaction of the components of the ballet performance. 1852 introduces a "pictogram" way of recording dance, and in 1887 -an education system for dancers and a dance recording system, which is subsequently used primarily in ballroom choreography. The non-linear recording system, like the musical signs in which dance movements are encoded, was developed in 1892. The beginning of the 20th century brought a new language to the art of dance with a characteristic stylistic lexical module, which enriched the theat­rical activities of the ballet and influenced the choreographic vocabulary of classical, ballroom and folk dances. Interaction of inter specific stylistic features of choreography ensured in 1928 the emergence of a common recording system for movements under the name " labanotation". A uni­versal dance gesture system for analyzing and describing all plastic-dynamic characteristics, re­gardless of which national, style and genre categories this movement is inherent in.


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