Modern approaches to the definition of «stage ballroom dance»


  • Sergey Kostecki postgraduate student of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



stage ballroom dance, ballroom choreography, concept, dance, choreography


Purpose of Research - to find out the approach to the concept of "ballroom dance stage" and offer their own definition. Methodology. The research methodology is to apply the terminological method to eliminate the inconsistencies between the term and the phenomenon. Scientific Novelty. Scientific novelty consists in substantiating the thesis about the obsolescence of established special field approach in shaping contemporary conceptual-categorical apparatus choreography that does not cover the entire gamut of phenomena. The applied different approaches to the concept of «stage» proved the need to consider the concept of «entertainment». Conclusions. The stage ballroom dance is rapidly developing and expanding the range of expressive-figurative means of experiments in lexical and compositional planes of the choreographic work. Integrating established and updated approaches in the formation of conceptual and categorical apparatus and based on the basic category of «ballroom dance», the author proposed the definition of the stage dance as a ballroom dance, performed on stage and according to its laws (including the viewer, specific stage space, etc.). It implies artistic image.


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