Costume formation specialties on Ukrainian areas during the Middle Ages


  • Irina Nesen



costume architectonics, a costume of Cherniakhiv, Antes costume, paleo-textile, Kievan Rus’ costume.


Purpose of the article is to perform a comparison analysis of reconstructed variants of medieval costumes to discover the main formation patterns. To define strong historical long-term signs in forms and types of outfits. To determine costumes’ architectonics from different periods of the Middle Ages. Methodology. Methodologically author correlated data of practical archeology and art masterpieces. Scientific novelty determes reconstruction of costumes of sideline historical periods from pra-Slavic till the Late Middle Ages allows to discover a chain of permanent and variable signs. Conclusions. Architectonics of pra-Slavic costume had double or probably tipple layered structure which was kept in the Middle Ages as well. The costume basics could be considered a tunic-type outfit. Women had a two-tiered model of breastplate related to German tradition. Also in common is the tradition of embroidering necklaces. The other features of Chernyakhiv and Antes dresses do not match. Corals and amber were used as jewelry since pra-Slavic period. In the outfit of the Ancient Rus two-tiered model is not used. Since the High Middle Ages appeared some elements which after transformation where adopted in Ukrainian folk outfit. In the hat group there were forms of the towel types know as mantles (namitka) or tablecloths (obrus) as well as sewn caps (očipok). In the group of outerwear - the suite (svyta) and the casing (kožuch). These two types of shoulder clothing over the centuries have become buttoned (unlike the old Russian ones).


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