The Anthropology of the Ukrainian avant-garde within artistic discourse


  • Anna Lymar



avant-garde, art, Ukraine, anthropology, transgression, values.


The purpose of the article is to highlight the anthropological essence of avant-garde art in the context of the development of art discourse on the social role of art. Methodology. The purpose of the study was revealed based on the application of interdisciplinarity, systematic, and integrated approaches, as well as the method of art. The use of these methods of research contributed to obtaining their own results. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is to formulate and develop a topical theme of the anthropic art of the avant-garde, which is increasingly recognized in the scientific dimension. The avant-garde witnessed a change in the anthropological context in art and strengthened the role of man in the perception of the author's conception of the artist, concealed in the form and color of the artistic image. Conclusions. The humanist theory of today states that art is concentrated in the eyes of the viewer and the vanguard was the beginning of such an interpretation of the cultural and artistic process. Created by avant-garde artists, the creative potential of forms, goals, and concepts continues to influence the development of art and various art forms in many of its forms – choreography, architecture, and even in fashion and design.


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Образотворче мистецтво, декоративне мистецтво, реставрація