Archaeographic analysis of manuscript collections of Oktoikhov XVI century from the collection of the Institute of Manuscript (Vernadsky National Library Of Ukraine)


  • Mykola Рidhorbunskyi



hand-written Oktoikhi, ekfonetics and neume notations, the Ukrainian half-mouth, initials, colophons.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the manuscript collections of Oktoikhov in the collection of the Institute of Manuscript of the Vernadsky National Library Of Ukraine; conducting an archaeographic description and identifying characteristic features in the songbooks of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the 16th century. The research methodology includes system analysis, which made it possible to analyze and explore handwritten singing collections. To determine the temporal and quantitative characteristics of the analyzed material, statistical and chronological methods were adopted. Scientific novelty – is to clarify the differences: in the design of the text in manuscript collections, in the use of ekfonetics and neume notations, and the gradual modernization of the Ukrainian half-order. Conclusions. The archaeographic description of the manuscript Oktoikhs revealed common features in the design of ancient collections. The texts of manuscript collections are written by the Ukrainian half-mouth. Each section begins with a heading written in the cinnabaric script, and the end of each section has a certain design in the form of a colophon or a small graphic image. And also certain differences were revealed: in the design of liturgical texts and the gradual modernization of the Ukrainian half-order. Ekfonetics and neume notations in the singing manuscript collections of Oktoikha of the 16th century has a certain variability. Church hierarchs did not consider this a violation of certain norms, but any variability in relation to the texts of worship was unacceptable since they were canonical. The unresolved issue is the decoding of ekfonetics and neume notations, which accompanies the texts of the songbooks. It is possible to solve this problem with the active cooperation of Ukrainian medieval scholars with scientists from Western European countries.


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