«Channel» In' Cin' as first original Chinese national monumental opera


  • Zhang Yu




first original Chinese national monumental opera, Chinese National Theater of the Future, national opera, opera situation, story song, opera ballad.


The purpose of the article is to define the genre-specific opera of In' Cin' «Channel" (2012) as the first original China national monumental opera. The methodology consists in the application of historical and genre methods of research. The scientific novelty of work has conditioned the analysis of opera concepts of the Chinese musicologists of beginning ХХІ ages essence of which consisted in development оf criteria of original China national monumental opera: the core meaningfulness of plot, dramatic event clever as psychological motivation, "space" for the introduction of music, forming of opera situation for creation of with a plot song, the interlacing of many storylines. Conclusions. The genre specificity of the Yin Qin opera is to synthesize genres of romantic ballad opera (ballad opera), grand opera (grand opera), opera song (song opera), lyrical opera, opera legends, choral opera-mystery, opera- oratorios, opera stories, musical dramas of ideas and symbols.


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