Selection of target audiences for events of socio-cultural direction


  • Lesya Chervinsʹka



target audience, events, event stages, cultur, socio-cultural direction.


The purpose of the article. The article is devoted to the characterization of the process of selecting audiences for socio-cultural events. Methodology. The research methodology is based on the application of methods of grouping, modeling and systematization of information. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is to clarify the process of selecting audiences for socio-cultural events, in order to study the properties of forming a positive image of Ukraine on the world stage through event management and international cultural cooperation. Conclusions. Ukrainian culture is just beginning to develop actively and now faces many problems, including the lack of unified coordination of various cultural centers, the lack of a unified state strategy. The development of partnerships and cultural networks by cultural institutions is also important, which provides additional opportunities for funding and successful implementation of projects, allows to establish cooperation with cultural centers. Among the positive Ukrainian experience in this context we can name the work of cultural and information centers at diplomatic missions of Ukraine abroad (there are 17 centers), involving representatives of national diasporas, including organizing events to celebrate national events, organizing concerts of folk groups. and representatives of modern pop, art exhibitions, arrange presentations of literary works not only classics but also contemporary Ukrainian authors. However, the study shows that the work of these cultural and information centers is not productive, mainly activities in accordance with the protocol or on the occasion of celebrating anniversaries and more.


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