Modern belarusian choral music a cappella. The phenomenon of dialogue in the «composer-folklore» system


  • Olena Batovska



dialogue, tradition, neo-folklore, modern Belarusian choral music a cappella, A. Mdivani, L. Shleg, V. Kuznetsov.


The purpose of the article is to identify the phenomenon of dialogue in the «composer-folklore» system of modern Belarusian choral music a cappella. The methodology of the work is a systematic approach, analytical and comparative methods. The scientific novelty is that for the first time in Ukrainian musicology choral music a cappella of contemporary Belarusian composers has been studied in the aspect of the phenomenon of dialogue in the system "composer-folklore." Conclusions. Summing up a brief overview of the composer's practice in the field of choral music a cappella neo-folk direction, we note that despite the different approaches of composers to folklore origins, neo-folklorism is defined as a type of musical thinking, and dialogue is interpreted in a general philosophical sense. In their work, composers conduct a dialogue in the system of "composer-folklore", which is manifested in a new interpretation of Belarusian folklore, where the folklore element is a literary text and folk image.


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