Formation of professional skill of the future conductor in the system of art education (on the example of pedagogical methods of professor I. Yuzyuk)


  • Iryna Yaroshenko



choral art, conductor, music-pedagogical activity, professional skill.


The purpose of the article is to characterize the peculiarities of the formation of professional skills of the future conductor during the years of study at the art institution on the experience of teaching I. Yuzyuk. The methodology consists in the application of materials, the main provisions of the organization of individual lessons in choral conducting, which characterize the professional competencies of a professional conductor, which forms the musical-aesthetic and artistic development of the individual, which promotes professional music education and culture. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time the method of forming the professional skills of the future conductor in the system of art education is considered on the example of the teaching of Professor I. Yuzyuk, who introduces his methods into the educational process, solving current problems of choral performance. Conclusions. As a result of the research, it was found that the analyzed experience and peculiarities of I. Yuzyuk's teaching on conducting training of future specialists are an important component in the formation of professional skills of the future conductor, which contributes to the development of art education. Generalized results of methodical bases of the organization by I. Yuzyuk of classes on choral conducting, formation in them of positive motivation to conducting specialty, individual approach to students, deepening of theoretical knowledge concerning choral activity, improvement of conducting technique, artistry, complex application of various teaching methods, activations which forms the professional skills of the future conductor. The pedagogical activity of I. Yuzyuk and his experience in the formation of a professional conductor in the system of art culture and education is characterized. Emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of the manifestation of the conductor's individuality in his professional activity, integrating aspects of development and formation.


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