Kim Vasylenko - founder of the artistic and pedagogical choreographic school of the Kyiv Institute of Culture




The purpose of the article is to find out the role of K. Vasylenko in the establishment and further functioning of the art-pedagogical school of the choreography department of the KSIC named after O.E. Korniychuk. Methodology. Methods of analysis and synthesis, induction, and deduction were used in the research process. The method of theoretical generalization was used to sum up the results. Scientific novelty. The activity of K. Vasylenko was analyzed in the optics of the management of the artistic and pedagogical choreographic school of KSIC named after O. E. Korniychuk for the first time. Conclusions. K. Vasylenko – the founder of the department of choreography KSIC named after O.E. Korniychuk, the leader of the art-pedagogical school formed on its basis. At the initial stage of the formation of artistic and pedagogical principles of the department, the authority of K. Vasylenko, his organizational and managerial, scientific-methodical, and choreographic abilities turned out to be extremely significant. He created a partnership, a friendly circle of like-minded people, passionate about the ideas of building an educational environment in order to develop a system of mastering folk-stage choreography, producing an artistic product. Through a number of mechanisms introduced by the leader (mutual attendance of classes, methodical seminars, discussion of open demonstrations and concert performances, etc.), there was a constant increase in the professional level of teachers. His own example of writing scientific and methodological works stimulated the revival of this type of activity in the teaching environment, which contributed to the creation of educational and methodological support of disciplines.

Keywords: Kim Vasylenko, art and pedagogical school, department of the choreography of KSIC, dance.




