Music at Ukrainian Academic Music Festivals at the Turn of ХХ–ХХІ Centuries


  • Oleksandr Antonenko
  • Margaryta Antonenko



The purpose of the article is to consider the Orthodox church music as a part of Ukrainian festivals of academic music at the end of the ХХth – the beginning of the ХХІst century. Research methodology. To achieve the goals of the research, the authors have used historical and cultural approaches. The systemic method has been used to characterise musical festivals in their relation to other components of culture. Sociocultural method enabled studying sociocultural components of the artistic phenomenon of the festival. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the first attempt to comprehensively analyse the Orthodox church music as a constituent of the most prestigious Ukrainian music festivals at the end of the ХХth – the beginning of the ХХІst century. Conclusions. Church music is an essential part at the end of the ХХth – the beginning of the ХХІst century. Ukrainian academic music festivals. During the festivals, the audience may feel music-historical singing range and wide stylistic contrasts, in particular a combination of traditions and innovations. The authors state that academic music festivals not only perform important social functions, presentation and popularization of church music by contemporary Ukrainian composers, but also play an important role in revival and conservation of Ukrainian cultural heritage.

Key words: festivals, Orthodox church music, Ukrainian music art at the turn of ХХ–ХХІth centuries





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