freezing, lentils, germination, moisture exchange, protein, starch, organoleptic properties.Abstract
The article shows the feasibility of using lentils which is a valuable raw material with high content of protein and carbohydrates. It was scientifically substantiated that germination of lentils process significantly improves its assimilation in the human organism. It was proved that during the germination the starch content decreases as a result of amylase effect, which is cleaved with forming a significant amount of dextrin. It was also proved that germination of lentils improves digestion of proteins that constitute it, increases the mass fraction of vitamins, reduces the duration of the product heat treatment. It is shown that germinated lentils can be used immediately after germination or kept refrigerated or frozen, which allows to make a meal after the semi-products order for 12…15 min and greatly intensifies technology.
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