The development of new generation of healthful nanoproducts from champignons for the restaurant business enterprises


  • Raisa Pavlyuk Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivs’ka str., 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051, Ukraine
  • Viktoriya Pogarska Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051, Ukraine
  • Liudmyla Radchenko Kharkiv College of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Klochkivs'ka str., 202, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61045, Ukraine
  • Roman David Tauber Academy of hospitality and catering in the Poznan Nieszawska str., 19, Poznan, Poland, 61-022, Ukraine
  • Tetyana Matsipura Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051, Ukraine
  • Helena Caplun Kharkiv College of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Klochkivs'ka str., 202, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61045, Ukraine



гриби шампіньйони, важкозасвоювані білки, термодеструкція, механоліз, оздоровчі нанопродукти, інактивація ферментів


The new method of obtaining of nanoproducts from champignons with the use of new generation of equipment is developed. This equipment is used at the restaurant business enterprises and allows extracting the hardly digestible protein of raw materials from the bound with the other biopolymers form in nanocomplexes to a free condition (1,7...1,8 times more) and transform it into the digestible aminoacids (65...70 %)

Author Biographies

Raisa Pavlyuk, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivs’ka str., 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, Honored figure of Science and Technology in Ukraine, the State Prize laureate of Ukraine

Department of Technology processing of fruits, vegetables and milk

Viktoriya Pogarska, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, the State Prize laureate of Ukraine Department of Technology processing of fruits, vegetables and milk

Liudmyla Radchenko, Kharkiv College of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Klochkivs'ka str., 202, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61045

PhD, professor, director

Roman David Tauber, Academy of hospitality and catering in the Poznan Nieszawska str., 19, Poznan, Poland, 61-022

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, rector

Tetyana Matsipura, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051


Department of Technology processing of fruits, vegetables and milk

Helena Caplun, Kharkiv College of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Klochkivs'ka str., 202, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61045



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Technical Sciences