The training of prospective teachers to subject-subjective interaction with pupils


  • Олена Олегівна Ліннік Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University st. Thieves, 18/2 Kyiv 04053, Ukraine



subject, interaction, environment, prospective teachers, training system, humanization, training meanings


This article describes a theoretical grounding for prospective teacher training system to subject-subjective interaction with pupils. The system is based on the next principles: humanization of education and professional environment, free trajectory evolution choice, relationship of fields of activity, cultural correspondence, value attitude to collaboration and cooperation of subjects in all fields of activity. The process of teacher training consists of four stages.

Author Biography

Олена Олегівна Ліннік, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University st. Thieves, 18/2 Kyiv 04053

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Preschool Education 


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