Technology of meat minced products with the use of sodium alginate-based thermostable elastic emulsion




thermostable structured emulsion, meat minced products, sodium alginate, sunflower oil, calcium salt, structure formation, emulsion formation


The article is devoted to the scientific substantiation and development of the technology of minced meat products using a sodium alginate-based thermostable elastic emulsion. The functional, technological, rheological, heat-resistant, physico-chemical, structural-mechanical, organoleptic and consumer properties are investigated. It is predicted and experimentally confirmed that the use of structured thermostable emulsion in the composition of minced meat products allows a more rational use of meat raw materials, improve the organoleptic characteristics of minced meat products and nutritional value due to the enrichment of finished products with polyunsaturated fatty acids

Author Biographies

Kristina Nechepurenko, Kharkiv Trade and Economic College of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University Klochkivska str., 202, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61045


Cycle comission of industrial training

Galina Horbeko, Kharkiv Trade and Economic College of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University Klochkivska str., 202, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61045


Cycle Comission of Industrial Training

Olena Zolotukhina, Kharkiv Trade and Economic College of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University Klochkivska str., 202, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61045


Cycle comission of industrial training

Невен Бремеч Желко

Президент Асоціації шеф-кухарів Середземномор’я і європейських регіонів

Anil Grover

Суддя Всесвітньої асоціації співтовариств шеф-кухарів WACS

Yanina Tsarenko, Kharkiv Trade and Economic College of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University Klochkivska str., 202, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61045


Cyclic commission of administration and management

Anastasia Kornitskaya, Kharkiv Trade and Economic College of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University Klochkivska str., 202, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61045


Cycle comission of industrial training


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Technical Sciences