The teacher in the context of European choice of Ukraine


  • Лідія Петрівна Ходанич Transcarpathian Inset Institute 35 Voloshyn str., Uzhhorod, Ukraine, 88000, Ukraine



teacher, civilizational challenges, European integration, European values, crisis of ideas, labefaction of authorities


The aim of the article is to summarize the factors of European integration influence on professional portrait of a teacher in modern Ukraine. The dependence between the changes of valuable orientations in the society and the content and form of professional activity of a teacher is analyzed in the article. It is also proved that the effectiveness of the teacher’s activity will be higher if the competence approach is linked with the ideas of humanism, democracy and intellectual pedagogy. The obtained results give us the opportunity to create the psychological and pedagogical model of the teacher in Ukraine on national and cultural background

Author Biography

Лідія Петрівна Ходанич, Transcarpathian Inset Institute 35 Voloshyn str., Uzhhorod, Ukraine, 88000

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Head of the department of the Phedagogy and Psychology


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Pedagogical Education