Methods of social research in pharmaceutical marketing and management


  • Убайдилла Махамбетович Датхаев Institute of Pharmacy of the Kazakh National Medical University. S. Asfendiyarov 88 Tole bi str., Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 050012, Kazakhstan
  • Алма Рахимбаевна Шопабаева Kazakh National Medical University. S. Asfendiyarov 94 Tolebi, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050000, Ukraine
  • Кайрат Сапарханович Жакипбеков Kazakh National Medical University. S. Asfendiyarov 94 Tolebi, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050000, Ukraine
  • Галлия Жанбурбаевна Умурзахова Kazakh National Medical University. S. Asfendiyarov 94 Tolebi, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050000, Ukraine
  • Владимир Валентинович Малый National University of Pharmacy 61002, Kharkov, Pushkinskaya str. 53, Ukraine



sociological research, pharmaceutical marketing, management, questionnaire, interview, survey, strengths and weaknesses


Sociological studies occupy a central place in pharmaceutical marketing and management.

Aim: The purpose of this work is to study the research methods that are developed in the framework of social science, and can be used in marketing and management. This type of research allows to get a very detailed data about behaviour, opinions, views, attitudes of very small group of individuals. The data give a good idea about the way of thinking of consumers. Qualitative research are indispensable in development of new products, advertising campaigns, studying the image of companies, brands, and solving other similar problems.

Methods: Using content analysis information on the relevance and possible pre-emptive use of certain sociological methods in the formation of management software and market research in pharmacy has been analyzed.

Results: The article summarizes the theoretical basis of the use of sociological methods of analysis in the pharmaceutical management and marketing. The information about main instruments which can be used in research has been analyzed. They are, first of all, the questionnaire, and also telephone and postal surveys and interviews. A comparative analysis of primary methods of data collection for collecting market information has been carried out. Their advantages and disadvantages have been identified.

Conclusion: A comparative characteristic of methods of sociological research has shown that the method of anonymous questionnaire is the most appropriate for solution of research tasks in pharmacy

Author Biographies

Убайдилла Махамбетович Датхаев, Institute of Pharmacy of the Kazakh National Medical University. S. Asfendiyarov 88 Tole bi str., Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 050012

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor


Алма Рахимбаевна Шопабаева, Kazakh National Medical University. S. Asfendiyarov 94 Tolebi, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050000

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

Head module «Pharmacist Manager»

Галлия Жанбурбаевна Умурзахова, Kazakh National Medical University. S. Asfendiyarov 94 Tolebi, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050000

Doctoral student, specialty "Pharmacy" module «Pharmacist Manager»

Владимир Валентинович Малый, National University of Pharmacy 61002, Kharkov, Pushkinskaya str. 53

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management 


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Pharmaceutical Sciences