Dynamics of changes in indicators of physical and technical readiness of football players aged 10-14 under the influence of athletics exercises.





training, athlete, physical and technical preparation, physical qualities, football


The purpose of the study: to investigate the changes in the physical and technical readiness of football players in the annual cycle of training. Research material and methods. The research was conducted among football players, in three stages, in the period from September 2021 to July 2022. The athletes who took part in the study were healthy and under constant medical supervision. A group of 20 football players was examined for six tests, three times during the season. At the first stage (September 2021), pedagogical testing was conducted, the purpose of which is to determine the level of physical and technical readiness of football players after the transition period in the annual training cycle. At the second stage (March 2022), a similar test was conducted, the purpose of which was to generate data on the state of physical and technical fitness of football players, at the end of the preparatory period in the annual training cycle. At the third stage (July 2022), another pedagogical test was conducted, which was analogous to the two previous ones, with the aim of studying the dynamics of the state of physical and technical readiness of football players after the end of the competitive period in the annual cycle of training at the stage of initial specialization. To solve the tasks, we used the following methods: study and analysis of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observations; pedagogical experiment; mathematical processing of results. The results. In order to study the state of physical and technical readiness of football players at the stage of advanced training, we conducted testing of physical and technical indicators in the annual training cycle. Testing was carried out in three stages, at each of which football players performed the same tests. The results of the tests show that during the annual training cycle, the indicators of physical and technical data of football players increase: total endurance by 225 m; speed by 0.41 s; speed and power qualities by 19 cm; dribbling the ball - 0.62 s; throwing the ball 3 m; hit at a range of 3.6 m. Conclusion. During the research, it was established that the maximum growth rates in the annual cycle of training in throwing the ball is 20%. High rates of growth of speed and strength qualities, for example, hitting the ball at a distance - 11.8% and long jump - 9.3%. The average rate of increase in speed is 7.9%, and ball entry is 7.6%. The minimum increase in endurance is 7.3%.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Melnyk , Lutsk National Technical University

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the department of physical culture, sports and health

Oleksandr Malimon , Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

candidate of sciences in physical education and sports, associate professor of the department of health and physical culture

Olha Kasarda , Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Health and Physical Culture

Valery Kuznetsov , Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics

teacher of the Department of Physical Education


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How to Cite

Melnyk , S. ., Malimon , O. ., Kasarda , O. ., & Kuznetsov , V. . (2023). Dynamics of changes in indicators of physical and technical readiness of football players aged 10-14 under the influence of athletics exercises. Sports Games, (1(27), 18–30. https://doi.org/10.15391/si.2023-1.02