Fuzzy-logic expert system for integral assessment of basketball players' special physical fitness level at the stage of preliminary basic training





basketball, players, stage of preliminary basic training, ; fuzzy expert system, fuzzy logic


The purpose of this research is to build a fuzzy expert system for assessing the level of special physical fitness of basketball players at the stage of preliminary basic training using a fuzzy-logical approach. The methodological basis of the study was formed by scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists and leading experts. To build an integral indicator, fuzzy inference is introduced. Two indicators are selected as input variables. The first indicator X1  is the results of the test "Shuttle run 3X10 m with running around stuffed balls". The second indicator X2 is the results of the test "Running to numbered stuffed balls". The output variable is determined by the indicator Y, which represents "an integral assessment of basketball players' special physical fitness at the stage of preliminary basic training". The modeling of the integral assessment and the level of special physical fitness of basketball players at the stage of the previous basic preparation was carried out in the software Fuzzy Logic Toolbox of the Matlab environment (version R2021a) of the firm MathWorks that influenced the setting and representation of the bell-shaped function of membership. Both input variables and output variables are converted into fuzziness by constructing membership functions. The type and parameters of the membership function are substantiated and the bell-shaped membership function is chosen to describe the uncertainty of values falling under the normal distribution. The number of fuzzy sets at each input is considered as z=3, the number of input variables as ω=2. To achieve the completeness of the model, the number of logical rules was defined as r=32=9. It should be noted that the fuzzy-logical model, which was developed to determine the integral assessment of special physical fitness of basketball players at the stage of preliminary basic training, is carried out according to the following algorithm, namely involvement of two indicators, one of which describes the results of the test "Shuttle run 3X10 m with running around stuffed balls", and the other - the results of the test "Running to numbered stuffed balls"; selection of parameters and type of membership function for two input variables and one output variable; development of the system with the creation of 9 logical rules; calculation of the integral assessment of basketball players' special physical fitness at the stage of preliminary basic training using Mamdani's fuzzy inference; and the final component is the verification of the model's adequacy.

Author Biographies

Oksana Ivchenko , Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

Candidate of Physical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Health

Elena Mitova , Prydniprovska State Academy оf Physical Culture аnd Sports

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Sports Games

Valentyn Myachin , Державний вищий навчальний заклад Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Production Organization and Theoretical and Applied Economics


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How to Cite

Ivchenko , O. ., Mitova , E., & Myachin , V. (2023). Fuzzy-logic expert system for integral assessment of basketball players’ special physical fitness level at the stage of preliminary basic training. Sports Games, (2(28), 15–26. https://doi.org/10.15391/si.2023-2.02


