The influence of complex coordination exercises on indicators of physical and technical fitness of volleyball players aged 9-11




Volleyball, players, coordination, abilities, specially selected exercises


Purpose: to determine the degree of influence of complex coordination exercises on indicators of physical and technical preparedness of volleyball players of elementary training groups of sports club "Lokomotiv" of Kharkov (16 athletes) and SDYUSHOR No. 2 of Poltava (16 pupils). Material and methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, study of documentary materials and pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The results. The analysis of the indicators of physical and technical readiness of the control and experimental groups for the pedagogical experiment did not establish a statistically significant qualitative difference between the indicators, which confirmed their identity and justified the pedagogical experiment (p>0.05). The study of the results of the physical fitness of the athletes of the experimental group after the introduction of specially selected complex coordination exercises into the educational and training process established their improvement according to the results of the testing of coordination abilities (р<0.05). The exceptions were the results of quickness, speed - strength qualities, flexibility, endurance and strength, where an improvement in indicators was also observed, but a statistically significant difference was not established (p>0.05). The study of the technical techniques of the game established their significant improvement in the results of receiving - passing the ball with two hands from above, receiving the ball from the serve, testing the serve and attacking shot. And these changes were significant and statistically significant (p<0.05). The exceptions were blocking indicators, where there was also an improvement in the results, but no significant difference was observed (p>0.05). As a result of the conducted pedagogical experiment, there was an increase in the correlation between the obtained results (р>0.05). Conclusions. Based on the statistical analysis of the data, it can be stated that our proposed system of specially selected difficult coordination exercises had a positive effect both on the indicators of the coordination abilities of young athletes and significantly improved the results of their technical preparation

Author Biographies

Yurii Horchanyuk, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD  (physical  education  and  sport),  Associate  Professor 

Volodymyr Paievskyi, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor

Maxim Merzlikin Maxim, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture



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How to Cite

Horchanyuk, Y. . ., Paievskyi, V., & Merzlikin Maxim, M. (2023). The influence of complex coordination exercises on indicators of physical and technical fitness of volleyball players aged 9-11. Sports Games, (2(28), 27–40.


