Pedagogical criteria of functional systems adaptation of athletes to mini-football practice in higher education establishments.
mini-football, aerobic load, mixed load, anaerobic load, integrated adaptation index, level of physical performance, maximum oxygen consumption, respiratory rateAbstract
purpose of the research is to study the functional systems adaptation of athletes in mini-football
during the preparatory period of the annual training cycle in higher education establishments
according to pedagogical control. Material and methods. The pedagogical experiment involved 16
mini-football players of the Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M.I. Pyrogov
student team, whose average age was 19.32±0.85 years. Research methods: theoretical analysis of
scientific literature, pedagogical observation, timekeeping, pedagogical testing, pedagogical
experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. According to the results of pedagogical
observation in combination with timekeeping of training work, it was found that the total amount of
loads during the preparatory period was 72 hours, of which 13.5 hours were allocated for
retraction mesocycle, 19.5 hours for basic development mesocycle, 19 hours for control and
preparatory mesocycle, 20 hours for pre-competitive mesocycle. During the preparatory period,
there was a tendency to reduce the share of aerobic exercise (from 70.4 % in the retraction
mesocycle to 26.7 % in the pre-competitive), as well as increase the share of mixed loads (from 25.9
% in the retraction mesocycle to 61.2 % in pre-competitive) and anaerobic (from 3.7 % in the
retraction mesocycle to 23.2 % in the control and preparatory) orientation. Conclusions. The use
of delineated loads during the preparatory period contributed to a statistically significant
improvement in the functional performance of players in the range from 2.8 to 5.1 % (p<0.05).
Analysis of the results suggests that the integrated adaptation index, level of physical performance,
maximum oxygen consumption, respiratory rate are informative pedagogical criteria of functional
systems adaptation of mini-football athletes in higher education establishments.
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