Improving the methodology of planning training exercises of speed and power orientation of football players in the annual training cycle
physical preparation, testing, preparation control, training process, specific means of trainingAbstract
The rapid development of football, accompanied by a constant growth
and intensity of physical activity in the training and competitive processes of football players,
requires the need to search for new forms, means and methods of organizing the educational and
training process. The purpose of the study is to develop a program of speed-strength training for
qualified football players, aimed at increasing the stability of performing speed-strength actions.
Material and methods: in accordance with the goals and objectives, the research program includedmethods of analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical
observations, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. The
study was conducted with the players of the team "FC VPK-Agro" - participants of the
Сhampionship of Ukraine among the teams of the First League. 20 football players of the team
participated in resepctive research. The research was carried out in 2 stages. At the first stage, the
dynamics of the speed-strength qualities of the players in the annual cycle was determined. At the
second stage, an experimental verification of the developed methodology for improving the
development of speed-strength qualities was carried out. Results: the article presents the level of
development of the speed-strength qualities of football players and their dynamics in the annual
training cycle. It was determined that the data obtained on the level of development of the speed-strength qualities of football players at the end of the competitive period emphasized the
inconsistency with modern requirements for high-level players. It has been established that in the
competitive period the dynamics of the indicators of the speed-strength qualities of the subjects
using traditional training programs is characterized by a statistically significant decrease in the
second part of the championship. The defining features of the experimental methodology for
training football players are to increase the period of preparation from 20% to 45% of the partial
amount of speed-strength exercises performed mainly in a repeated mode and the use of at least
80% of specialized in-game training cycles, 50% of which should consist of exercises of a speed-strength. Conclusions: The optimal ratio of exercises depending on their specialization at each of
the three stages of the annual cycle is determined. The practical application of the experimental
program made it possible to increase the amount of speed work in the training process and achieve
a relatively stable speed of all jerks and accelerations during matches throughout the year.
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