Development of endurance of senior preschoolers in the process of active movable games




endurance, active sports games, senior preschoolers, level of endurance development, system of work


The purpose of the study is to substantiate theoretically and investigate
experimentally the effectiveness of the influence of active sports games on the development of
endurance of senior preschoolers. Material and methods. The experimental study involved 25
children (11 - girls, 14 - boys) of senior preschool age. It was formed two experimental groups. The
children of the groups had the same level of physical development, morpho-functional state and
physical fitness. The first group – control one (CG, n = 12 (5 girls, 7 boys) – was taught according
to the educational program "Child". The second group – experimental one (EG, n = 13 (6 girls, 7
boys) – was taught not only according to the educational program "Child" but also the developed
system of work on development of endurance of senior preschoolers in the process of active sports
games. Research methods: analysis of data from literary and Internet sources on the problem of
the research, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. At the ascertaining stage of the study, the general level of preschoolers’ endurance
development was determined. The following results were obtained: 15% of children in experimental
group and 14% of children in control group had high level of endurance, 43% of children in
experimental group and 42% of children in control group had medium level of endurance, and 42%
of children in experimental group and 44% of children in control group had low level of endurance.
At the formative stage of the study, a system of work on the development of endurance of senior
preschoolers by means of active sports games was developed. At the control stage, the effectiveness
of the proposed system of work on the development of endurance of senior preschoolers in the
process of active sports games was tested. It was defined that active sports games are an effective
means of developing endurance of senior preschool children. At the control stage of the study, we
obtained the following results: 42% of children in experimental group and 14% of children in
control group had high level of endurance, 44% of children in experimental group and 42% of
children in control group had medium level of endurance, and 14% of children in experimental
group and 40% of children in control group had low level of endurance. Conclusions. A
comparative analysis of the results of the ascertaining stage and control stage of the study shows
that the dynamics of senior preschoolers’ endurance development in the process of active sports
games after implementing the system of work is positive. Thus, the data of the control stage of the
experiment confirmed the hypothesis of our study, which stated that the process of senior
preschoolers’ endurance development in the process of active sports games would be more effective
under the following conditions: targeted use of a system of active sports games focused on
developing physical endurance; more frequent use of active sports games against the traditional
system; creating a positive emotional atmosphere during active sports games.

Author Biography

Nataliya Khlus, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

сandidate of physical training and sport, Assistant professor of theory and
methodics of preschool education chair


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How to Cite

Khlus, N. . (2023). Development of endurance of senior preschoolers in the process of active movable games. Sports Games, (3(25), 154–164.


