Management of training process of female volleyball players in the preparatory period on the basis of programming
female volleyball players, program, mesocycle, microcycle, load value, load intensity, training meansAbstract
The purpose of the
research was to experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of construction the training process of
qualified female volleyball players within the preparatory period of the annual training cycle based
on programming. Material and methods. The study involved 26 qualified female volleyball players
of the first category of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, who were
divided into two groups – control (n=12) and main (n=14). The program of training process of
qualified female volleyball players of the main group in the preparatory period consisting of four
blocks which defined components of loads (volume, value, intensity), quantitative indicators of
training process (trainings, games), preparation means (general preparatory, special-preparatory,
leading, competitive) and criteria for the effectiveness of the training process (morphofunctional
indicators, indicators of physical fitness, the effectiveness of competitive activities). To implement
the program of the preparatory period, appropriate programs of smaller structural formations of
the training process were developed - meso- and microcycles, trainings and tasks. Research
methods: analysis of literary and Internet sources, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing,
morphofunctional diagnostics, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. The fat component of main group volleyball players decreased by 1.3 %, the skeletal
muscles component increased by 1.4 %, the level of speed and strength according to the jump in
height increased by 5.1 % and according to the rate of stuffed ball throw - by 1.4 %, the level of
dexterity as a result of shuttle run 9-3-6-3-9 m improved by 1.5 % statistically significantly
(p<0.05) during the pedagogical experiment. Conclusions. Programming of the training process of
qualified female volleyball players allows to carry out purposeful managerial influences, directed
development of the corresponding physical qualities, improvement of components of technical and
tactical skills.
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