Efficiency of the program of improvement of technical and tactical preparedness of qualified teams in 3x3 basketball according to individual actions





efficiency, effectiveness of pedagogical experiment, qualified teams, individual contribution


Objective: to find out the change in individual
indicators of competitive activity of qualified teams in 3x3 basketball under the influence of the
program to improve technical and tactical training. Materials and methods The following
indicators were determined: the number of points scored by each player per game, the total number
of shots per game, the total number of effective shots per game, the efficiency of shots per game, the
number of single points, the effectiveness of one-point shots, the efficiency of one-point, the
effectiveness of two - point throws. A comparative analysis was conducted and inter-qualification
differences between these indicators were established. At the second stage of the research a
pedagogical experiment was conducted with the participation of qualified teams of basketball
players 3x3 of the experimental group (n = 12) and the control group (n = 12). At the beginning of
the experiment, we analysed 64 games for the experimental and control groups with the
determination of quantitative and qualitative data of these indicators of competitive activity in 3x3
basketball. At the end of the experiment, 56 games were analysed for the experimental group and 62
games for the control group according to the indicated indicators of competitive activity. Results. A
study of differences in the effectiveness of the implementation of game moments showed that the
values of the overall efficiency of throws, efficiency of one-point throws and efficiency of two-point throws of highly qualified players are higher than those of qualified teams, At the end of the
pedagogical experiment it was found that the average score scored by each player in the team
significantly increased by 8.48% (p <0.05). Conclusions. Highly qualified teams are significantly
more effective, in most of the identified components of competitive activities they implement throws
from different positions. The advantage over qualified teams is in the range from 15.43% to
71.61%. Highly qualified teams have significantly higher indicators of personal contribution to the
team result of players with the third and lowest contribution to the team result by 54.31% and
84.93%, respectively (p <0.01). As a result of the pedagogical experiment there was a significant
improvement in the experimental group of average scores by 8.48%, the total number of throws by
17.04%, the number of one-point shots by 1.21%, the number of two-point shots by 9.28%, the
number of effective two-point throws by 38.25% and the efficiency of two-point throws by 98.64%.
The average quantitative indicators of individual technical and tactical actions of players with third
and fourth contributions to the team significantly increased, which allowed to reduce the game load
on players with the greatest contribution to the team and as a result significantly improve
quantitative and qualitative indicators of two-point throws.

Author Biographies

Valeryi Melnyk , Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of sports and recreational games

Vasyl Kovtsun, Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Associate Professor, Department of sports and recreational games


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How to Cite

Yatskovskyy , V., Melnyk , V., & Kovtsun, V. (2023). Efficiency of the program of improvement of technical and tactical preparedness of qualified teams in 3x3 basketball according to individual actions. Sports Games, (3(25), 185–197. https://doi.org/10.15391/si.2022-3.17


