Individualization before game warm-up of skilled handball players taking into account their pre-start states




sportsmen, game players, pre-game warm-up, pre-start states, handball players, individualize


The aim is to
increase the effectiveness of the skilled handball players during a competitive match through
individualization before the game warm-up. Materials and research methods: The study was
conducted in two stages. On the first stage it was conducted ascertaining investigation to define
individualized limit of "norm of states" for each sportsmen. Ahead of each competitive game was
defined functional state of handball players, after that was conducted pedagogical surveillance for
effective of game. On the second stage it was conducted the formative pedagogical probation within
which was correction pre-game warm up. It was based on the pre-start states of handball players.
The definition individualized limit of "norm of states" and pre-starters states of handball players
was conducted according to the method of serial dynamometry. It was defined effective of games
and active/passive part of games for each player by means of pedagogical surveillance. The effectively of game was defined by the method of comprehensive assessment of play activity. It was
taken into consideration number of positive and negative play activity for each players and his time
of involved in game. The each playing activity had its own significance coefficient. The obtained
data were processed using Statistica software. The relationship between effective of gamy and prestart states handball players was assessed by Pearson correlation analysis. The Wilcoxon test was
used to compare the indicators of effective of game on the different stages of our investigation. The
assessment of statistical hypotheses proceeded from the 5% level of significance, which provides
the necessary accuracy in pedagogical research. Results: It was defined the influence of pre-start
state of handball players and their effective of game (r = 0,71. It was defined in the first third of
game especially. Was formed the recommendations about consist of and intensity pre-game warmup for players, who exist of different pre-starts states. Conclusion: It was established the increase
of effective of game of handball players to compare of beginning of our investigation under the
influence of corrections of pre-game warm-up.

Author Biography

Olena Nesen, Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD (physical education and sport)


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How to Cite

Nesen, O. ., Kononenko, N. ., & Bilous, N. . (2023). Individualization before game warm-up of skilled handball players taking into account their pre-start states. Sports Games, (2(24), 12–20.