The level of functional reserve of the cardiovascular system of students of sports games sections




students, sports sections of physical education, health diagnostics


The aim of the work is to determine the level of functional
reserve of the cardiovascular system of students according to the indicators of the Rufier test with
the construction of a functional pulse curve. Work materials. The study of the level of functional
reserve of the cardiovascular system of students according to the Rufier test during physical
education classes in the sections of sports games was held at the Department of Physical Education
and Sports of Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin. The study group consisted of
40 male students aged 18-21 who are engaged in basketball, volleyball and futsal. The
methodological approach in this paper is based on the methods of pulsometry using pulse
oximeters, the level of endurance (reserve) of the cardiovascular system during exercise using the
Rufier test, as well as methods of mathematical analysis and statistical data processing. To assess
physical activity during independent work, the method of questionnaires was used using the
electronic course "Physical Education", located on an open university platform LMS Moodle.
Results. The study of the assessment of changes in the state of the cardiovascular system before the
action of dosed physical activity using the Rufier test showed an average value of 8.4 units, which
indicates good adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system. The distribution of ratios according
to the Rufier index in the group showed that the result was "excellent" in 15±8% of students;
"Good" - 50±11% of students; "Satisfactory" - in 35±11% of students. Conclusions. 1. The analysis
of literature data showed that the formation of the need for physical improvement is an urgent issue
today and should be a long-term positive result of all activities in physical education. The basis for
the implementation of physical improvement by students is self-education, which determines a
person's attitude to their physical development and health, especially when attending sports
sections, in particular, taking into account their own preferences. 2. The reaction of the
cardiovascular system to the dosed physical activity according to the Rufier index, which was 8.4 units, was established, which indicates good adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system to the action of physical activity.3. It is proposed to use sets of physical exercises as a means of
correcting the health of students with impaired health in the conditions of free economic zone,
which include: 1) creation of new sets of physical exercises taking into account the level of
adaptation of students; 2) introduction of systematic control over the state of health (using the
electronic monitoring system); 3) construction of the educational process taking into account the
level of adaptation and state of health; 4) development of new differentiated curricula in physical
education, taking into account the age and individual abilities of students.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Temchenko , V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor

Tymchenko Anna, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD in Biology), Associate Professor
of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Director of the Electronic Learning Center of
the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Distance Learning

Anastasiia Litvinova , V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD in Pedagogics), Associate

Mihaylo Lendjel , V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

Anatolij Mananchikov , V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Senior lecturer of of the Department of Physical Education and


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How to Cite

Temchenko , V., Anna, T., Litvinova , A., Lendjel , M., & Mananchikov , A. (2023). The level of functional reserve of the cardiovascular system of students of sports games sections. Sports Games, (2(24), 40–50.