Development of aptness in senior preschoolers in the process of sports and movable games
aptness, sports games, outdoor games, senior preschoolers, level of aptness development, system of workAbstract
The article analyzes studies on the problem of
developing aptness in older preschool children in the process of sports and movable games. It is
noted that games with elements of sports are one of the effective means of physical improvement,
the formation of motor skills in preschool children, as well as motor abilities, amenity, in particular. The interpretation of motor aptness as the ability to hit the target in any manipulation of
the subject is presented. In preschoolers, the aptness can be determined by throwing the ball at the
target, scoring it at the gate or rolling, throwing the ball to the target. You can develop aptness with
the help of mobile games, ball games and sports games. It is noted that the aptness is closely related
to the eye. Also important prerequisites for the development of aptness are orientation in space and
coordination of movements, the ability to coordinate their movements with the tasks set for the
child. It was established that the aptness has the following components: acceptance of posture;
aiming; breathing and other vegetative systems; the final effort. The criteria for the study of the
level of accuracy development in senior preschoolers (quantity, accuracy and speed) have been
developed. The general level of aptness development in older preschool children is determined. The
system of work on the development of aptness among senior preschoolers by means of sports and
movable games has been developed. In the implementation process of this work system, the
following principles were taken into account: emotionality, accessibility, taking into account the
previous gaming experience of children, individualization, differentiation. The effectiveness of the
proposed system of work on the development of aptness among senior preschoolers in the process
of sports and movable games has been tested. It was established that sports and movable games are
an effective means of developing aptness in children of older preschool age.
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