The effectiveness of the using the training exercises of goalkeepers in the process of the preparation of highly qualified water polo players who perform the functions of central defenders




water polo players, central defenders, indicators, special swimming preparedness, technical preparedness, preparation, training exercises of the goalkeepers, effectiveness


Objective: to determine the effectiveness
of the using the training exercises of goalkeepers in the process of the preparation of highly
qualified water polo players who perform the functions of central defenders. Material and
methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of the literature sources, pedagogical experiment,
testing of indicators of special swimming and technical preparedness, methods of mathematical
statistics. The contingent of surveyed people consisted of highly qualified water polo players who
had the game role of central defenders. The level of their sports qualification corresponded to the
title of «Master of Sports of Ukraine in water polo». Results: features of construction of training
process of central defenders in the preparatory period of annual cycle of preparation defined; the
program of training sessions for highly qualified water polo players, who perform the functions of
central defenders, with elements of preparation of goalkeepers developed; it is experimentally
substantiated that the use of training exercises of goalkeepers in the process of preparation of
highly qualified water polo players, who have the role of central defenders, helps to improve the
parameters of special swimming and technical preparedness; it is proved that the application of the
developed preparation methodology of central defenders has a positive effect on the level of their
speed and strength abilities. Conclusions: using the elements of preparation of goalkeepers in the
training process of highly qualified water polo players, who perform the functions of central
defenders, contributes to the improvement of indicators of special swimming and technical
preparedness, which reflected in the results of the tests «10 transfers» (0,36 s, p<0,05), «10 jumps»
(1,05 s, p>0,05), «100 m by front crawl» (0,58 s, p>0,05), «throw distance» (1,50 m, p<0,05), «the
main throw from the spot» (1,00 times, p<0,05), «dribbling 4x25 meters» (0,79s, p<0,05); using the
training exercises of goalkeepers in the process of preparation of highly qualified central defenders
is advisable in order to improve their speed-strength abilities.

Author Biographies

Olha Pylypko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

сandidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor

Artem Salikhov , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Klochkivska



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How to Cite

Pylypko, O. ., Pylypko, A. ., & Salikhov , A. (2023). The effectiveness of the using the training exercises of goalkeepers in the process of the preparation of highly qualified water polo players who perform the functions of central defenders. Sports Games, (1(23), 33–42.