Comprehensive application of recovery tools in the preparatory period of training young handball players




handball, recovery, psychophysical functions, boys, 15-16 years


In the changing conditions of modern
sports, the problem of restoring physical fitness is extremely important. The purpose of the study is
to experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of integrated use of means of recovery in the
conditions of the retractable microcycle of the preparatory period of training of young handball
players aged 15-16. Material and methods. The experiment involved 20 male athletes aged
15.5±0.4 years. For the control group (n=10) used traditional recovery tools. In the experimental
group (n=10) a set of restorative means was introduced, specially developed for the retractable
weekly microcycle depending on the variability of training loads. Research methods: analysis of
scientific literature, research of psychophysical functions, pedagogical experiment, methods of
mathematical statistics. Results. A significant difference was observed between the young athletes
of the experimental and control groups after the pedagogical experiment according to the
psychomotor indicators and control tests. In handball players of the experimental group,
psychomotor performance improved in the tepping test by 12%, arm tremor by 15%, static - by
10%; decreased the time of sensorimotor reaction – idle time by 16%, difficult by 11%; the indexes
of the dead force increased by 6 kg, the force of the brush by 2 kg. Improvements in the results of
the following tests were reported: running from high start – by 0.5 s; 30 m running with the ball –
0.7 s; triple jump from place – 12 cm; Harvard Step Test – 14 In the control group, these changes
were much smaller and did not exceed 4-8%, with markedly smaller increments in results across all
motor tests. Conclusions. The developed and implemented methodology for the complex use of
restorative means in the conditions of the retractive microcycle of the preparatory stage of the
training process showed high efficiency and contributed to an increase in the level of functional
abilities of the neuromuscular apparatus and the central nervous system, a significant improvement
in the overall performance of young handball players aged 15-16.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Khrystova, Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor of the theory and methods
department of physical education and sports disciplines

Vladyslav Pyurko , Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

master of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy; applicant of the
third educational level in the specialty 011 Educational Pedagogical Sciences


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How to Cite

Khrystova, . T., & Pyurko , V. (2023). Comprehensive application of recovery tools in the preparatory period of training young handball players. Sports Games, (1(23), 56–67.