Changing the level of physical preparedness of ten-year-old tennis players under the influence of GPhT classes




physical preparedness, tennis, physical exercise, general physical training


The article is devoted to the
general physical preparedness of young tennis players, which is an integral part of the sportsmen
preparation. The purpose of the study is to determine changes in the level of physical fitness of tenyear-old tennis players under the influence of GPhT classes. The aim of the research is to reveal the
level of physical preparedness of ten-years-old tennis players 8 young 10 years old tennis players (4
girls and 4 boys), who train in the sport club "Sport & court" in Kharkiv. took part in the research.
The following methods were used in the study: analysis and generalization of literary sources,
testing, pedagogical experiment and methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the initial
testing show that the indicators of the stuied boys’ physical qualities is slightly higher than girls’
physical qualities, although no significant differences were found between them (p≥0.05). The
comparison of the results obtained during the study with the standards for ten-year-old students
showed that the results in all tests, except for leaning forward from a sitting position, correspond
to scores of 4 and 5. Flexibility indicators for girls correspond to a score of 2, for boys - 1 point.
For four months, young tennis players were taught twice a week on GPhT, which used exercises
aimed at improving speed, speed-strength, coordination and strength abilities, endurance and
flexibility. Analysis of the results obtained in retesting shows that the results of girls in almost all
tests are higher than in boys. Only the dexterity scores of 4×9 m and the strength of the abdominal
muscles, which were determined by lifting the torso to the buttocks from a supine position, were
higher in boys. It should be noted that the reliability between the indicators of physical qualities
in girls and boys was not observed (p≥0.05). There were no significant changes between the
indicators at the beginning and end of the study (p≥0.05), which, in our opinion, is due to the short
duration of the study and the large variance in the results of athletes. The biggest changes were
in the indicators of flexibility, which increased by 27.4% for girls, 21.3% for boys, and 24.2% for
girls in the "snake" race, and 18.4% for boys.

Author Biographies

Liudmyla Shesterova, Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

Candidate of Science of Physical Education and Sport
(Ph.D.), Professor, The Head of The Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical

Tu Yanhao, Chtngdu Institute of Physical Education

Candidate of Science of Physical Education and Sport, dean strength and
conditioning center


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How to Cite

Shesterova, . L. ., & Yanhao, T. (2023). Changing the level of physical preparedness of ten-year-old tennis players under the influence of GPhT classes. Sports Games, (1(23), 76–83.