Directions for improving the training process of young tennis players




young tennis players, training methods, sports training


One of the tasks of a tennis coach is to gradually increase the efficiency of the young
athlete’s game. A number of training methods and strategies are used for its implementation. The
knowledge base that underlies this process is constantly evolving through research in the field of
training methodology and the acquisition of individual experience. Purpose: analyze the
methodological features of modern training of young tennis players. Methods: analysis of data of
scientific and methodical sources in electronic databases Scholar Google, Scopus, Web of Science.
The key words and phrases in the search were the following: «methods of training young tennis
players», «methods of training in tennis», «training of young tennis players», «methodology for
training young tennis players». Of the 78 publications found in peer-reviewed scientific journals, 19
were selected that met the purpose of the study. The articles analyzed were both review and
contained original studies. Results. In connection with the increase in competitive practice at a
young age, there is a decrease in the time provided for the development of the motor qualities of
tennis players. However, the time that remains is more used to develop specialized tennis skills.
This approach to the organization of the training process contradicts the rational development of
the body and physical qualities of young players. However, it is the formation of a solid
"foundation" of general physical fitness that is the key to the success of a sports career. Obviously,
the traditional approach to the development of the physical qualities of young tennis players should
also change. Modern ways to optimize the training process of young players should be considered
the optimization of physical and technical-tactical training with the use of integrated, circuit and
fitness training, as well as the use of modern technical means to improve the development of special
motor skills of tennis players, control and feedback, as well as those that complement the training
process. Conclusions. The development of tennis training methodology is expressed in the form of
alternative training styles or in the use of new tools and equipment in training. In the case ofeffectiveness, such approaches affect coaching practice and can improve the training process.
However, in terms of improving the training of young tennis players, it is necessary to pay attention
to innovations, considering the peculiarities of the development of the child’s body, the formation of
tennis skills and compliance of selected means to the kinematic pattern of motor action.

Author Biography

Andrii Yefremenko, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD, Associate Professor Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture


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How to Cite

Yefremenko, A. . (2023). Directions for improving the training process of young tennis players. Sports Games, (4(22), 45–54.


