Influence of mini-football classes in the process of physical education of higher education institutions on the physical condition of female students




mini-football, physical condition, female students, morphofunctional diagnostics, skeletal muscles, fat content, Stange and Genchi tests


The purpose of the work was to determine the influence of mini-football classes in the
process of physical education of higher education institutions on the physical condition of female
students. Material and methods. The study involved 29 female students of 1-2 courses of Glukhiv
National Pedagogical University named after Alexander Dovzhenko, who attended optional classes
in physical education in mini-football. Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific-methodical and special literature, morphofunctional diagnostics, pedagogical experiment, methods
of mathematical statistics. Results. The studied female students of the main group regularly
attended mini-football classes, the content of which consisted of three components: 1) educational
programs for the formation of motor skills (a feature of these programs were specially selected
leading exercises and the appropriate algorithm for their application); 2) training programs for the
development of physical qualities (the content of these programs were both specific and non-specific for mini-football; components of physical loads were optimal for the targeted development
of relevant qualities; classes to increase interest and motivation of students used modern
equipment); 3) outdoor games as means of general physical training of female students (games
were selected leading to mini-football, corresponded to the age of the studied students; used to
increase the emotional background of the classes). As a result of morphofunctional diagnosis at the
end of the pedagogical experiment in the female students of the main group was found a
redistribution of body composition by increasing muscle and reducing fat, improving the function of
the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Conclusions. The implementation of the developed
program of mini-football classes contributed to a statistically significant improvement in most
indicators of the physical condition of female students in the main group in the range from 0.9 to
4.2 % (p<0.05), which indicates its effectiveness.

Author Biographies

Dmytro Tsys, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

candidate of pedagogical sciences, seniorteacher

Nataliya Khlus, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

сandidate of physical training and sport, senior teacher

Nataliya Tsys, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University



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How to Cite

Tsys, D., Khlus, N. ., & Tsys, N. . (2023). Influence of mini-football classes in the process of physical education of higher education institutions on the physical condition of female students. Sports Games, (4(22), 72–80.


