Gant O.E, Honcharenko V.V., Zhou M. Features of social and psychological adaptation of athletes 12-14 years old in team sports




psychological training, socio-psychological training, sports games, young athletes


The purpose of the study is to assess the level
of social and psychological adaptation of athletes 12-14 years old in team sports, for the further
development of a program of individual psychological training for young players. Material and
methods of research are analysis of scientific and methodological literature and psychodiagnostic
method (methodology "Methodology for assessing socio-psychological adaptation, K. Rogers and
R. Diamond", adapted by T. V. Snegireva). A psychodiagnostic examination of 80 athletes of 12-14
years old playing sports was carried out. The analysis and assessment of indicators of sociopsychological adaptation of athletes 12-14 years old in team sports was carried out. It was
determined that in the group of athletes 12-14 years there are young players of the "risk group",
which are characterized by a low level of adaptation to the requirements of the team, a high level of
rejection of themselves and others, all these characteristics in these athletes of the "risk group" are
combined with a high level of emotional discomfort, a low level of external and internal control, a
high level of statements, and a high level of escapism, which in general determines their ability to
take responsibility for their behavior. The results show that individual correction of personality
traits is shown to players with a low level of social competence- those who are susceptible to
suggestion and are less confident in the success of their actions, are overly sensitive to criticism.
It is presented that in the group of athletes 12-14 years old playing sports there are players
who need corrective psychological work according to an individual program, for the formation of
both adequate self-esteem and healthy forms of behavior, a high level of need for achieving results,
awareness of the resource sides of their personality , awareness of the value of oneself and others.
It is shown that the results of assessing the socio-psychological adaptation of athletes 12-14 years
old in team sports should be taken into account when creating programs for the psychological
training of a team.

Author Biographies

Helen Gant, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Vladyslav Honcharenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

graduate student

Zhou Mingyu, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

graduate student


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How to Cite

Gant, H. ., Honcharenko, . V., & Mingyu, Z. (2023). Gant O.E, Honcharenko V.V., Zhou M. Features of social and psychological adaptation of athletes 12-14 years old in team sports. Sports Games, (3(21), 4–13.


