Pedagogical control of functional preparedness of student teams football players




football players, preparatory period, training loads, index of operative recovery, index of operative adaptation, maximum oxygen consumption, Stange test, Genchi test


The purpose of the study was to experimentally substantiate the use
of pedagogical methods of control of functional preparedness of student teams football players in
the process of athletes adaptation to training loads. Material and research methods. The study
involved 17 football players of Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University student
team. The average age of players was 19.71±0.49 years. Indicators that characterized the state of
the cardiovascular and respiratory systems were determined - index of operative recovery, index of
operative adaptation, maximum oxygen consumption, Stange and Genchi tests. Research methods:
analysis of scientific-methodical and special literature, pedagogical testing, observation and
timekeeping, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The total amount
of motor activity of football players during the preparatory period was 67 hours, of which 38.0 %
was allocated for general training means, 11.3 % – for special training means, 31.9 % – for leading
means and 18.8 % – for competitive means. There were 45 practices held. Among them the vast
majority (20) were complex directions. There were also practices on the volume of the training
impact. In particular, the most training practices were held with a medium volume load – 25 and 10
practices with a small and high volume load. Conclusions. Indicators of functional preparedness
obtained using pedagogical methods of control were the criteria for the athletes adaptation to
physical activity. The most of the functional indicators that characterize the state of the
cardiovascular and respiratory systems of football players were improved statistically significantly
(p<0.05) in the range from 3.0 to 5.3 % during the preparatory period.

Author Biographies

Vasyl Kachan , National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of
the Department of Physical Education and Exercise Therapy

Olena Lezhniova , National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of
the Department of Physical Education and Exercise Therapy


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How to Cite

Kachan , V., & Lezhniova , O. (2023). Pedagogical control of functional preparedness of student teams football players. Sports Games, (3(21), 22–30.


