A study of the general physical preparedness of student in volleyball teams according to various playing positions





questionnaire, volleyball, coach, teams, motor qualities


At the same time, high demands on the competitive activity of players from
student teams, require a search for the development of motor skills of young male students
according to various playing positions. Nowadays, there is a lack of scientifically proven
methodological developments and recommendations on the development of motor skills of young
volleyball players of various positions, which is the basis for improving the sports and technical
skills of players of student teams. Material & Methods: Materials and methods of research. During
the studies, the following research methods were used to solve the key tasks: theoretical analysis
and generalization of literature sources, pedagogical testing, pedagogical questionnaires, methods
of mathematical statistics. Research results: the research was conducted in the Higher Educational
Institutions of Ukraine. The research base was Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University (10 team players, coach-teacher: Shvai O.D.), LUTSK NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (10 team
players, coach-teacher: Radchenko O.V.),The Municipal Higher Educational Institution " Lutsk
Pedagogical College ”of the Volyn Regional Council (9 pupils, coach-teacher: Konstankevych
V.P.) and Technical Vocational College of Lutsk NTU (10 team players, coach-teacher:
Gamaliychuk M.G.).тPedagogical testing was conducted among 39 young male players of student
teams, 15 coaches took part in the survey.тThe study of the development of physical qualities of
young volleyball players according to various playing positions was conducted in two directions:
Questionnaire of coaches;Pedagogical testing. The development of motor skills of young volleyball
players with reference to their different playing positions was carried out according to our own
experimental training program and the educational-training process of sectional classes of Higher
Educational Institutions was introduced. Results: According to the results of research: value of
motor qualities, results of questionnaire of trainers in relation to prevailing of motor qualities of
outside hitter: 33,3% respondents consider that force, speed and endurance are the primary
qualities. For the playing position libero it is speed. In relation to prevailing of motor qualities
among playing position of left front, respondents consider that motor quality endurance prevails53,3%, on the second positionit it is speed - 40%, for right side hitter it is adroitness 53,3%
consider like this. For the volleyball players of the position middle front the results of questionnaire
there is speed and endurance. Conclusion. The research on the development of motor qualities
shows that volleyball players of various playing roles have different levels of motor qualities.
Endurance is better developed among players of the playing role diagonal players, speed - among
players who play libero, speed - among volleyball players of the playing role libero and diagonal,
flexibility - among volleyball players of the playing role libero and setters. The strength indicators
in the test standing long jump are the best among volleyball players of the playing role diagonal
players, and players of the playing role outside hitters - in the test jump up from the run.

Author Biographies

Оleksandr Radchenko, Lutsk National Technical University

Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Physical Culture, Sport and

Svitlana Radchenko, Lutsk specialized secondary school I-III degrees №5

highest category, senior teacher

Vitaliy Dmitruk, Lutsk National Technical University

Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Physical Culture, Sport and Health

Volodymyr Kovalchuk, Lutsk National Technical University

Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Physical Culture, Sport and


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How to Cite

Radchenko О. ., Radchenko, S. ., Dmitruk, V., & Kovalchuk, V. . (2023). A study of the general physical preparedness of student in volleyball teams according to various playing positions. Sports Games, (3(21), 50–59. https://doi.org/10.15391/si.2021-3.06


