The influence of health-improving gymnastics means on the biological age of women 45-55 years old who play basketball




biological age, aging, gymnastics HADU, women, basketball


It is
possible to improve the indicators of the health status of a modern woman by increasing physical
activity, playing basketball, health-improving gymnastics. Purpose: to determine the degree of
influence of health-improving gymnastics HADU on the biological age of women 45-55 years old
who are involved in basketball. Material and research methods: analysis and generalization of
literary sources; questioning; biological age research; testing of indicators of the functional state;
identification of a subjective assessment of health; pedagogical experiment; methods of
mathematical statistics. The study was carried out for 10 months on the basis of the sports complex
of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 31 women took part in the study. Results:
according to the results of a survey of women regarding the choice of a means of restoring the body
after training loads in basketball, health-improving gymnastics HADU was taken. Under the
influence of training lessons in basketball and health-improving gymnastics HADU within 10
months, the number of women with the coincidence of biological and passport age increased by
29%. Comparative analysis made it possible to determine t = 4.54, which indicates the presence of
significant changes in the indicator of the biological age of women 45-55 years old who play
basketball at a significance level of p <0.001. Correlation analysis indicates the presence of close
relationships between all the studied parameters of the functional state of the subjects, which
characterize the biological age of the subjects (p <0.001). The use of regular basketball and healthimproving gymnastics hadu allowed to improve the index of subjective health assessment for all the
studied symptoms: 20% of the respondents had a decrease in lower back pain, 14.8% of women
noted an improvement in vision, 12% of the respondents indicated a decrease in joint pain, 10%
women have improved sleep. Conclusions: an integrated approach to planning basketball and hadu
gymnastics had a health-improving effect, contributed to a decrease in the average number of
symptoms of subjective health assessment and a decrease in biological age. The use of the hadu
technique for women aged 45-55 who play basketball can be recommended as an effective means of
preventing premature aging.

Author Biographies

Olena Tserkovnaya, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor

Ludmila Filenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor

Vladlena Pasko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Tserkovnaya, O. ., Filenko, L. ., & Pasko, V. . (2023). The influence of health-improving gymnastics means on the biological age of women 45-55 years old who play basketball. Sports Games, (3(21), 60–70.


