Morpho-functional indicators and level of physical fitness of skilled female football players




female football players, total body fat, skeletal muscle content, speed, speed endurance, speed and strength abilities, five-level rating scale


The purpose of the study was to determine
morpho-functional indicators and to develop a five-level scale for assessing the indicators of
physical fitness of skilled female football players of the student team. Material and methods. The
study involved 17 skilled female football players aged 18-22 years, with a qualification of I-II
category of the Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University named after Oleksandr Dovzhenko team.
In the competitive period, indicators of body weight and height, body mass index, total percentage
of body fat and skeletal muscle, as well as indicators of physical fitness according to the results of tests 30 m run, shuttle run 180 m, long jump, 2000 m run were determined. Research methods:
theoretical analysis of scientific-methodical and special literature, morpho-functional diagnostics,
pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. According to the results of
morpho-functional diagnostics and pedagogical testing, 10 indicators of skilled female football
players were determined: age – 19.29±0.30 years, body height - 1.65±0.01 m, body weight -
58.09±0.85 kg, body mass index - 21.05±0, 31 kg/m2
, skeletal muscle content - 24.71±0.88 %, total
body fat - 23.06±0.42 %, 30 m high start run - 4.89±0.04 s, shuttle run 180 m - 41.83±0.17 s, long
jump - 1.95±0.02 m, 2000 m run - 513.69±3.76 s. Conclusions. The determination of model
indicators is important for the further development of women's football, the selection of talented
youth, evaluation of the implementation of planned training programs. The analysis of the obtained
results showed the correspondence of the body weight to height of female football players in terms
of body mass index, as well as a higher content of skeletal muscle, compared with the total body fat.
The developed five-level scale of assessment of indicators of physical fitness was based on the
results of pedagogical testing of the studied female football players in the competitive period, which
was the phase of stabilization of sports form. 

Author Biographies

Nataliya Khlus, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

сandidate of physical training and sport, senior teacher

Dmytro Tsys, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

candidate of pedagogical sciences, seniorteacher

Nataliya Tsys, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University



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How to Cite

Khlus, N. ., Tsys, D., & Tsys, N. (2023). Morpho-functional indicators and level of physical fitness of skilled female football players. Sports Games, (3(21), 71–79.


