Influence of badminton classes in the process of physical education on physical development and functional state of female students
Physical development, physical fitness, functional tests, Shtange test, Genche test, students, badmintonAbstract
The purpose of the study: to determine changes in physical development and functional
state of second year students of the National University of Pharmacy, badminton classes in the
process of physical education. Materials and methods of research. Twelve second-year students of
the National University of Pharmacy (NUPh) who studied badminton for 3 months in physical
education classes were examined. The survey determined anthropometric parameters (body weight,
standing height, hand muscle strength), physiological parameters (vital capacity of the lungs), heart
rate (HR), a method of assessing physical performance using the Rufier test and Functional tests
for respiratory arrest were performed (Stange and Genche tests). Research results: Our research
confirmed the information of scientists, theorists and practitioners of higher education about the
unsatisfactory state of functional readiness of Ukrainian university students. cardiovascular and
respiratory systems, the level of physical performance of female students.The study confirmed the
results of the authors (Imas, Dutchak, Andrieieva, Kashuba, Kensytska, & Sadovskyi, 2018) on the
need to study changes in physical development and functional status of students under the influence
of various sports. Conclusions: The results show that weight, body length, hand strength, vital
capacity and heart rate (heart rate) improved during training with the module "Badminton", but not
significantly. The results of the study indicate that changes in the functional state of second-year
students had significant changes (p <0.05). The study confirmed the feasibility of using the module
"Badminton" during physical education classes with students.
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