Differentiation of special swimming preparation of water polo players 12-14 years old, taking into account the playing role


  • Olga Pilipko Kharkov state Academy of physical culture, Ukraine




water polo players, 12-14 years old, special swimming preparedness, indicators, differentiation, tasks


Objective: to determine the
efficiency of differentiation of special swimming training among water polo players 12-14 years
old, taking into account the playing role. Material and methods: theoretical analysis and
generalization of literature data, pedagogical observation, survey, assessment of special swimming
preparedness using test procedures, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.
The contingent of the surveyed consisted of athletes at the age of 12-14 who are take part into water
polo. Results: it was confirmed that the level of swimming preparedness of athletes in water polo
largely determines the effectiveness of their actions during competitive games; it was determined
that the special swimming preparedness of water polo players in the age range of 12-14 years old
has certain characteristic features, the most similar level of it takes place among young water polo
players at 12 and 13 years old; it was found that the main emphasis in planning the training load
during the annual cycle among water polo players 12-14 years old falls on physical and swimming
preparation; it was proven that the greatest increase of the indicators of special swimming
preparedness with the use of speed-oriented exercises by athletes who perform the functions of a
mobile attacker is noted at the age of 13; it was found that the use of exercises aimed at developing
speed capabilities leads to a significant improvement of the results in tests that determine the level
of spurt capabilities, speed endurance and maneuverability of athletes. Conclusions: in training
sessions on the water among water polo players 12-14 years old, who have the role of a mobile
attacker, it is necessary to increase the volume of exercises aimed at developing of speed
capabilities; the differentiation of swimming training tasks depending on the playing role of water
polo players in the age range of 12-14 years significantly improves the level of their special
preparedness, makes the motor actions of athletes during the game more effective.

Author Biography

Olga Pilipko, Kharkov state Academy of physical culture

сandidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor


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How to Cite

Pilipko, O. (2023). Differentiation of special swimming preparation of water polo players 12-14 years old, taking into account the playing role. Sports Games, (2(20), 72–82. https://doi.org/10.15391/si.2021-2.07


