Changes in the balance indicators of 12-year-old basketball players under the influence of exercises on a balance platform
basketball players, balance, erect, balance platformAbstract
Sports games have special requirements for coordination of
movements in general and for static stability in particular. The implementation of various and fast
movements in game sports requires the preservation of erect. The purpose of the research is to
increase the static balance of 12-year-old young basketball players based on the use of exercises on
a balance platform. Results of the research. It was found that testing rates with open eyes are
significantly higher than with closed ones, both on the right and left legs (p<0,05). Indicators of
static balance with open eyes of the right and left legs have reliable differences (p<0,05). The
balance indicator of the right leg with open eyes is more on 13,87 s than the balance indicator of
the left leg. With closed eyes, the indicator of the right leg is better on 3,81 s. However, the
indicators of the right and left legs with closed eyes didn’t have significant differences (p>0,05).
The introduction of exercises on a balance platform into the training process significantly improved
the static balance indicators, both with open and closed eyes (p<0,05). Significant changes were
observed, both during the exercise on the left and right legs (p<0,05). Conclusions. 1. The analysis
of scientific and methodological literature showed that the development of coordination abilities,
including balance, is an urgent issue among basketball specialists. 2. Using the method of
Bondarevskiy, indicators of the static balance of 12-year-old basketball players were established:
with visual control on the right leg – 44,67 ± 4,11 s; on the left – 30,80 ± 3,05 s; with closed eyes –
15,31 ± 1,63 s and 11,50 ± 1, 09s, respectively. 3. The introduction of selected exercises on a
balance platform in the training process of basketball players contributed to an increase in static
balance indicators: with open eyes on the right leg - by 13,17 s (29,48%), on the left leg - by 7,7 s
(25,0%). With eyes closed on the right - by 6,03 s (39,38%), on the left leg - by 3,19 s (27,73%).
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