The place of injuries in the training process among schoolchildren-handball players




injuries, handball, schoolboy, athlete, handball player


Purpose: analysis of injuries in the training
process among schoolchildren involved in the handball section. Material: pupils of the 8th - 11th
grades of the Lutsk secondary school No. 17 took part in the research. With the consent of the
athletes' parents, the records in the medical records of children playing handball were examined. A
total of 42 athletes were involved. Results: the largest number of moderate and severe injuries was
recorded in the 8th grade. Injuries of moderate severity account for 50.0%, injuries of severe
complexity - 37.0% of all cases of their occurrence. And the smallest number of injuries refers to
mild severity, only 13.0%. It can be assumed that the small number of minor injuries is associated,
first of all, with the fact that they were not given due importance and they were not officially
registered. Our research confirms and supplements the numerous results of the special literature.
The higher the level of physical and special readiness among schoolchildren-handball players, the
lower the percentage of injury during the educational and training process. Our results confirm the
data of other studies: the solution to the problem of preventing injuries in handball is to improve
the technique and methodology of training schoolchildren-handball players.
Our results confirm the data of other studies: injuries in the process of educational and
training sessions of physical exercises is a fairly common phenomenon, and their consequences
interfere with the achievement of physical perfection of a person; When determining the frequency
of cases and localization of traumatic injuries, it was found that dislocations, sprains, deformations
and injuries of the ligaments of the joint and adjacent muscles predominate. Summarizing the results of the study confirmed the existence of a clear relationship between physical exercise and
sports injuries. We have added that there are more injuries and sports injuries among
schoolchildren-handball players in the 8th grade, and their number will decrease during training.
The study of injury prevention among student handball players is worth further research.
It should be noted that the number of injuries among schoolchildren-handball players
decreased every year of schooling. In the 8th grade there were ten (10), and in the 11th grade there
were half of them - five (5). Sprains are the most common in school handball players. In total,
33.3% of such injuries were found. Most of them are accounted for by injuries of the ankle joint.
The causes of such injuries, most likely, are jerks, stops, changes in the direction of movement.
Strikes are quite bruises (30.0%), mainly of the knee and elbow joints. As a rule, athletes get them
from a fall, the degree of damage to the joints is mostly minor. Dislocations received a little;
localization of their detection was only in the joints of the hand. The causes of these injuries are the
same as for sprains. Conclusions: it is indicated that there are more injuries and sports injuries
among schoolchildren-athletes in the 8th grade, and their number decreases during training.

Author Biographies

Oleh Hrebik , Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Svetlana Melnik , Lutsk National Technical University

Candidate of Biological Sciences

Yuri Nikolaev, Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Hrebik , O., Melnik , S., & Nikolaev, . Y. . (2023). The place of injuries in the training process among schoolchildren-handball players. Sports Games, (1(19), 15–22.


