Features of the competitive activity of female handball players of the Higher League of the team KhSU-Dnepryanka
handball players, competitions, role, intensity, activity, accuracy, efficiency, reliabilityAbstract
purpose is to determine the effectiveness of the playing activity of female handball players of the Higher League and establish the features of their actions depending on the playing role. Material
and methods. The contingent of the research was 15 female students-handball players who play for
the team KhSU-Dnepryanka in the women’s championship of Ukraine of the Higher league. The
study of the features of the playing activity of female handball players took place during the team’s
participation in competitive games with different rivals, which made it possible to determine
objectively the priority areas of the game of the student’s handball team. The research duration:
May-October, 2020. To determine the peculiarities of play activity, various technical techniques
and tactical actions were recorded in the attack: the number of passes to partners at different
distances, in different directions, dribbling on the playground, individually keep the ball, ball
throws on the goal; in defense: steals, blocking, tackles without violating the rules, etc. The
indicators of all players were investigated and grouped by the performed playing functions:
playmakers, right back and left back, pivots, wingers. Results of the research. It was established
that the intensity of the competitive activity during the game is the highest among right back and left
back – 0,72 points, slightly lower intensity of actions falls on the activity of playmakers – 0,69
points and wingers – 0,63 points and the lowest intensity indicator among pivots – 0,48 points.
Analyzing the results of the quality of performance of technical and tactical actions of players of all
playing roles, it can be noted that the highest accuracy is for right back and left back (0,68 points)
and playmakers (0,62 points). Accordingly, female handball players of these roles also have the
highest percentage of defects in the performance of competitive actions. The accuracy of the game
actions of pivots is 0,51 points and the lowest quality indicator of technical and tactical actions in
wingers (0,41 points). The percentage of defects among wingers and pivots doesn’t differ
significantly and is 0,26 and 0,24 points, respectively. Conclusions: it was established that the
highest values, in terms of the individual usefulness on the playground, are playmakers – 0,74
points, slightly lower values for right back and left back – 0,63 points, low indicators are
characteristic of wingers and pivots (0,53 and 0,48 points, respectively). It was proved that the
peculiarity of the players’ playing activity on the playground depends on the nature of the handball
players’ activities, depending on their performance of the game function, the style of play of their
team, and the team of opponents.
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