Determination of the features of the formation and dynamics of the menstrual cycle in young basketball players




female athletes, basketball, adolescence, menarche, ovarian-menstrual cycle, menstrual irregularities


Purpose of the research: to present the comparative results of the study, to determine the existing changes in the formation and dynamics
of the ovarian-menstrual cycle in adolescent athletes playing basketball. Material and research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; questioning of athletes by the characteristics of the menstrual cycle (author's questionnaire - Bugaevsky K.A., 2018), extended interviewing, method of mathematical statistics. Results of the research: the obtained data are considered and their analysis is carried out, indicating that the athletes in the study group are diverse, including combined menstrual irregularities, in terms of its duration, the volume of menstrual bleeding and its duration, the time intervals between menstrual bleeding. Also, both somatic and psychological disorders were studied in this group of athletes both during the period of
menstrual bleeding itself, and before and after the menstrual bleeding itself, among young athletes involved in such a game sport as basketball. Conclusions: According to the results of the study, it was determined that in the study group there are manifestations of such types of disorders of the
ovarian-menstrual cycle as hypomenstrual syndrome, with clinical manifestations of oligoopsomenorrhea, algo-dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome. We believe that the individual menstrual irregularities identified in athletes, both with somatic and psychological changes in young athletes, are due to individual adaptive changes in their bodies, and are directly related to the physical and psycho-emotional stress experienced by them when they practice this game type sports. The revealed changes, with the formation in athletes of violations of the ovarian-menstrualmenstrual cycle in the form of hypоmenstrual syndrome, require revision by the coaching team, with the participation of a sports doctor, individual loads when planning training-competitive algorithms in micro-, meso- and macrocycles.

Author Biography

Konstantin Bugaevsky , Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University

PhD (medical sciences), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Bugaevsky , K. (2020). Determination of the features of the formation and dynamics of the menstrual cycle in young basketball players. Sports Games, (4(18), 4–13.