The peculiarities of the hierarchical structure of knowledge about the control of competitive activity in team sports games from the position of a systematic approach




The Paralympic Games, national teams, Paralympic champions, competitions, volleyball


The article is devoted to the substantiation of the hierarchical structure of knowledge
about the control of competitive activity in team sports games from the position of a systematic
approach. The purpose of the study is to formulate the main features that make up the hierarchical
structure of knowledge about the control system of competitive activity in team sports games on the
basis of generalization of the theoretical data, advanced practical experience and own experimental
research. During the research, the following methods were used: the analysis of special scientific
and methodological literature, the analysis of documentary materials, pedagogical observation,
systemic method, generalization and systematization of data. The specificity of the formation of the
system of knowledge about the control of competitive activity in team sports games on the example
of basketball has been presented. The following elements of the hierarchical system of knowledge
about control are determined, such as control of the player's competitive activity, control of the
competitive activity of a group of players, control of the team's competitive activity. These elements
of the hierarchy all together and each separately allow us to consider the control system as a
complex, dynamic structure, the existence of which is conditioned by the influence of a number of
factors peculiar to team sports. The indicators are given that are subject of the control for an
individual player, a group of players, a whole team. The author focuses on significant differences in
the control of the competitive activity of players at the first and second stages of the many-year
training. The originality of the author's approach is the selection in the control system of
competitive activity of such an element of the hierarchy as the control of a group of players, which
is distinctive in comparison with the traditional control of the indicators of an individual player and
control of the indicators of the team as a whole in basketball. The following elements of the
hierarchy of the knowledge system are proposed, such as: control of a group of players depending
on functional duties (playing role); control of a group of players according to the level of
preparedness; control over the optimal combinations of 2-3 players of all roles, that is, those who
interact most effectively during the game; control over the playing fives of the players (recruiting
the main team or the «main five»); control over groups of players depending on their social status
in the team (leaders – players of the active reserve – outsiders (newcomers); control over options
for rotation of players during the match.

Author Biography

Elena Mitova, Prydniprovska State Academy оf Physical Culture аnd Sports

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Sports Games


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How to Cite

Mitova, E. (2020). The peculiarities of the hierarchical structure of knowledge about the control of competitive activity in team sports games from the position of a systematic approach. Sports Games, (4(18), 31–43.